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Board of Directors

Lori Lameo

Guy Lameo

Monica Matthews




What We Believe:

Our lives and doctrine are rooted and grounded in all 66 books of the Holy Bible; the infallible, inerrant word of God​, inspired by the Holy Spirit it is the revealed word of God unto men. It is the supreme, authoritative rule for all faith and Godliness ( Rom. 15:4, 1 Thess. 2:3, 2 Tim. 3:15-17, 2 Pet. 1:20, 21, Heb. 4:12). 

We believe in the Holy Trinity, One Eternal God in three persons, all equal in Majesty, Glory and Power ( 2 Cor. 13:14, Col. 2:9, Matt. 28:19).

We believe in God the Father, the Creator of all things. In Him we live, move and have our being. He is the Author of life, our eternal redemption and apart from Him nothing could exist ( 1 Cor. 8:6, Gen. 1, 2).


We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. We believe in His Supreme Deity, in that He is fully God, and in His humanity, that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life, performing signs, wonders and miracles while upon the earth in the presence of many witnesses. We believe in His death, burial and resurrection. We believe that He paid for our eternal redemption through the atonement of His own blood which was shed for us by His death on the cross of Calvary. We believe in His ascension to the Father. We believe in the imminent return of Christ for His Bride, the Church ( known as the rapture), followed by the pronouncement and execution of His justice upon the wicked ( Is. 7:14, Matt. 1:18, 21, 23, John 1:1-4, 14, 18, John 3:16, 36, John 14:6, Acts 1: 2, 3, 9, Acts 2: 22-24, Acts 4:12, Acts 16:31, Rom. 3:23, Eph. 2:8,9, Col. 1:13-22, Col. 3:17, 1 Thess. 4:13-18, 1 Tim. 1:9).

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, our counselor, comforter, advocate and friend. He is the promise of the Father, dwells with us and is in us. We believe He is the Spirit of Truth and the empowerment of God, who enables the believer to live a victorious life and through the work of sanctification enables the believer to live a Holy life set apart for God ( Matt. 28:18-20, John 3:5-8, John 14:26, Acts 2:1-5, 38, Acts 4:31, Rom. 8:26, 1 Cor. 12:7, 1 Thess. 5:19, Titus 3:6, Jude 1:20).

We believe in the beginning God created man in His own image, for His good pleasure, but through disobedience and sin, humanity became separated from God. God in His eternal love for His creation provided a way for us to be reconciled to the Father. God the Father, sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, the spotless lamb, to pay for our redemption by shedding His own perfect blood through death on the cross. We believe there is only one way to the Father, and that is through the acceptance of the finished work of Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary. The acknowledgment of sin and need for a Savior, in turn, receiving His forgiveness and acceptance through faith in that finished work. Followed by confession and baptism, publicly acknowledging Him as your personal Lord and Savior ( Gen. 1:26,27, Gen. 3, John 3:16,17, John 6:47-51, John 19:16-30, Acts 2:38, Rom. 10:8-11, Eph. 2:4-13). ​​

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